Baby goods
Explore how Growth Gurus elevate baby and family-focused e-commerce businesses, transforming their customer journey with strategic expertise and tailored, family-first solutions.
Email revenue
Flow click rate
Flow open rate
Store revenue from Welcome Flow
Increase in flow click rate
Increase in campaign revenue
Click rate on Welcome flow
AOV rate increase
Increased open rate
Email conversion rate
Click rate
We leverage data-driven strategies to identify high-value customers in the baby and family industry, connecting with them through personalized content tailored to their needs and preferences.
By deeply understanding parents and caregivers, we create a personalized experience that mirrors the warmth and care they seek in physical stores, seamlessly transitioning their journey into the e-commerce space.
We maximize customer lifetime value with targeted initiatives designed to boost cross-sell opportunities, encourage repeat purchases, and build lasting relationships with customers.
Our office is online, the internet is our marketplace and technology connects us.
Nothing excites us more than the growing world of e-commerce, and with over US 1.3 million companies turning to online solutions, it's a space that's only going to get bigger.
We are now in the digital age–and we are the virtual-first agency that is meeting e-commerce brands in the digital space. No matter what the outside world throws at us, we have the expertise, the tools and the experience to elevate your business–wherever you are.
Our team have growth down to a simple formula:
The baby industry faces a unique challenge: customers’ needs evolve as quickly as their little ones do. At Growth Gurus, we specialize in helping baby brands navigate these rapid changes by understanding and adapting to their customer base throughout every stage of the journey.
By leveraging data-driven insights, we create personalized strategies that align with the shifting needs of parents. From welcoming new parents into your community to guiding them through key milestones, we ensure your brand remains relevant, fostering trust and loyalty within customers.
The technology we partner with: