Supplement & wellness
Explore how the Growth Gurus continue to elevate supplement brands through strategic expertise and customer-centric solutions.
Annual campaign revenue
Annual flow revenue
Recurring sales from subscriptions
Dive deeper into our success story with Happy V
Increase in campaign revenue
Improvement in click rate in 30 days
Reduction in bounce rate in 30 days
Increase in unique clicks
Increase in campaign revenue
Increase in flow revenue
YoY Flow revenue
Conversion rate
Click rate in flows
Utilize data-driven strategies to reach high-value customers actively seeking solutions in the health and wellness sector.
Forge strong bonds with consumers through personalized experiences and exceptional customer service, backed by tailored education and customer nurturing.
Enhance customer lifetime value with customized subscription and loyalty programs, implementing strategic initiatives to drive sustained growth and profitability.
Our office is online, the internet is our marketplace and technology connects us.
Nothing excites us more than the growing world of e-commerce, and with over US 1.3 million companies turning to online solutions, it's a space that's only going to get bigger.
We are now in the digital age–and we are the virtual-first agency that is meeting e-commerce brands in the digital space. No matter what the outside world throws at us, we have the expertise, the tools and the experience to elevate your business–wherever you are.
Our team have growth down to a simple formula:
In the supplement industry, driving repeat purchases and nurturing lasting customer relationships are key to sustainable growth. Growth Gurus excel at crafting strategies that keep customers coming back while turning them into enthusiastic advocates for your brand. We help brands implement subscription models that simplify reordering and build customer habits. Paired with personalized education campaigns, we ensure customers fully understand how to maximize their supplement benefits, building trust and satisfaction. With our approach, supplement brands can foster loyalty, boost lifetime value, and turn satisfied customers into their greatest marketing asset.
The technology we partner with: